Sunday, November 3, 2013

The explanation of the storm before the calm

Thanks, mom! 
Yesterday was tough but I got through it. My back tire also went flat too. I read that talk that dad sent me and there were a few things that really helped me a lot. When the pioneers were leaving to go to Utah, they didn't know what they were doing, they were just doing it because they were asked to do it. I figured as long as I'm trying to teach I'll be okay. Also, the quote from Elder Holland about not living in the past but having faith in the future caused me to think a lot.... I'm just going to put that behind me, as well as yesterday, and keep on looking forward. 
Verona is super pretty!! Much bigger than Vicenza. Vicenza is so small! I never really realized it. I would show you pics but...yup. You can tell the girls that I saw the balcony where Juliet came out to see Romeo hittin' on her. I was at the place where it all went it down! Yup, I was there. The place is also in that movie, "Letters to Juliet". Aubs and Linds will know. I also had this amazing gelato and they put cioccolato in the cone with the gelato on top of it. So good!!
We got a new investigator this week!! It was actually a miracle! His name is Abrahim and ...he really likes Jesus and he was my first actual Italian phone call!! It was really cool because when I called him he was sitting at his table and then he got this feeling to get up and move to the next room. When he did he saw my call!! Really cool, right?! Not only that he wanted to read the Book of Mormon because we told him to read it and then ask of God if it's true. When he heard that he said that he really liked that. We weren't trying to sell it to him or anything but that he should ask of God and not just take our word for it. So he decided to read the Book of Mormon because we told him to ask God! Super cool!
On Conference weekend I flipped over my bike. I hit the brake too hard and I was committed.  The band on my watch broke and I was so sad!! It was such a good watch!! Still ticking! Collega was concerned for me but after finding out that I was alright, he just laughed all the way to the church (that's where we watched Conference) and he still finds it funny. I fixed my watch, so hopefully, it still keeps ticking. 
I have to play the piano again this Saturday for another baptism. And on Sunday I have to play for a musical number we missionaries are doing in the Italian branch. I've been learning some new hymns! Kinda have too. 
I called the office to see how I'm going to get my card (since I know people in high places:) ) and I should be getting it soon. Thanks for sending it over!! 
I am proud to say that my slacks have a small hole that goes with my gray slacks. Just wanted you to know! I'm doing missionary work!
Tell Dad thanks for his note! Well, for both of your notes! We're still going to try and find my camera but if I can't then maybe I can get a new one. I just had some pics I wanted to send!!

I gotta go! I love you!
Anziano West!

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