Hey, Pops!
Thanks for your e-mail. It really helps. I just don't know what to do. I get so anxious and stressed out about trying to be obedient, trying to be prepared, and trying to stay focused on what I'm doing. Everyday, I hear collega freak out about how many days he has left (he's leaving next week) and I'm trying to scramble to get myself together because I get a new companion soon. I'm not sure how to enjoy the mission. I feel like so much is expected of me and I have to live up to that expectation.
Anyway, I set two baptismal dates this past week with some of our African brudahs! Meaning I extended the invitations. And a miracle happened this past sunday. We literally dropped all of our investigators last week because they were not progressing. But we were still faithful in trying to contact people (strada) and doing some casa (tracting). However, we only taught three lessons total that whole week. On sunday, we gained two progressing investigators, one with a baptismal date for Dec 14. The numbers didn't add up. We also gained another investigator from the investigator with the bap. date, whom I extended the invitation to be baptized, for the 14th also. And all of this just fell into our lap. It happened during church too. The sorelle had these connections, and since it's the mission rule for sorelle to not teach single men and us anziani to not teach single women, the sorelle gave us their work. All of our investigators are Africans but hopefully their baptismal dates go through.
I had a fun experience yesterday. We did exchanges with our zone leaders and so, I was with Anziano Garner, who's been out for about a year. Anyway we were trying to stop people out on the street and I wanted to try an idea that some other anziani were talking about. I stopped a guy and asked him, "Lei ha fede in Gesù Cristo?" (Do you have faith in Jesus Christ?) He answered, "sì, sì" (Yes). I then asked, "Perchè?" (Why?). He looked surprised that I would asked that question. "No lo so" (I don't know). I said to him, "Lei vorrebbe battazzarsi in la chiesa di Gesù Cristo?" (Literal trans: would you like to baptize yourself in the church of Jesus Christ?). He said that he was already baptized but I felt really good inviting someone to baptism to the true living church.
That's awesome that Nick received the priesthood! How did that happen anyway? Did it just pop out of the blue or what? How's the family doing down there too? I wouldn't mind shooting him an e-mail.
I hope mom is doing well. I'll pray for her. Tell her that I love her. I also got my card (finally) and I need to buy a memory card before I can send some pics.
I'm excited for BYU!! You don't have to send the articles. I just want the updates.
Thanks for everything!! Also, tell mom I got her letters that she sent. I enjoyed them immensly.
Your son,
Anziano West